Nirwana (3/27/2024)
I don't have a suggestion how to improve the quality of your renders for the Content Store, but I would like to point out that it may backfire if the renders you put up look better than what people who purchase the asset can get out of iClone/CC. So, if you do decide to use another program/render engine besides iClone/CC, you should at least point out that fact in your renders/product descriptions so that people don't have unrealistic expectations. For the same reason, any post processing of the renders done in Photoshop or something similar can be problematic.
Thanks for the hint! Actually I would prefer ro render directly with iRay in CC4 but the result never looks anything like the OpenGL render:
The skin is darker
The hair is brighter
The whole render has a plasticy look over it...
So maybe I should ask this in a different way: How do I get the iRay render to look great? I tried a couple more IBLs and some looks suitable (neutral light, no hard shadows) but above issues still apply. This is no doubt because iRay doesn't support the Human Skin/Hair/Eye shaders and so renders it as standard PBR which kind of makes it pointless to render realistic human characters with it in CC4.