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UE5.3 Animation/Control Rig

Posted By jackandtherabit Last Year
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UE5.3 Animation/Control Rig

Posted Last Year
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Hello everyone, I was trying to figure out a easy pipelien for character animation using iclone 8 to unreal engine 5.
1. one of my main problems is sometimes I dont have motion capture for a movement and what to key frame animate, I find keyframe animation hard in iclone, I often have a large set made in unreal so I often prefer animation in unreal. is there a way to use the UE5 default control rig on a charater I import from either Character Creator or iclone. is there any video or documentation on that?
2. is there a resourse I can follow on the whole work flow for combination of facial capture proformace and add it to a body proformace. (I use an iphone for facial capture and also have a motion capture suit) how do I combine these. 
3. is there a series that goes over if you have a scene in unreal engine you need character animation and use the live link to create animation, how do you bring the the promps from uneral to iclone and also how do you place the character in the spot you need to start the animation in unreal engine.
4. is there any resourse how to clean up motion capture in iclone like if a joint moves to far or a foot tracker get messed up.
 thank you guys so much I really want to use iclone and character creator as my pipline 

Posted Last Year
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jackandtherabit (2/20/2024)
Hello everyone, I was trying to figure out a easy pipelien for character animation using iclone 8 to unreal engine 5.
1. one of my main problems is sometimes I dont have motion capture for a movement and what to key frame animate, I find keyframe animation hard in iclone, I often have a large set made in unreal so I often prefer animation in unreal. is there a way to use the UE5 default control rig on a charater I import from either Character Creator or iclone. is there any video or documentation on that?
Yes possible but better wait for the CR from RL, they are working on it ...

2. is there a resourse I can follow on the whole work flow for combination of facial capture proformace and add it to a body proformace. (I use an iphone for facial capture and also have a motion capture suit) how do I combine these. 

3. is there a series that goes over if you have a scene in unreal engine you need character animation and use the live link to create animation, how do you bring the the promps from uneral to iclone and also how do you place the character in the spot you need to start the animation in unreal engine.

Yes there are tutorials from RL around :

4. is there any resourse how to clean up motion capture in iclone like if a joint moves to far or a foot tracker get messed up.
 thank you guys so much I really want to use iclone and character creator as my pipline 

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