Slightly different approach. It is similar to the one as I used to make seamless limbs: faceless head is a cloth with DHS to match practically any CC3+ character with little effort.
I do not show here how I made it. But basically imported Neutral base with pipeline to Blender, duplicated the head and separated it so it becomes a cloth.
Then cut out holes for eyes nose and ears, Glid Fill them and smoothed. Grid fill does very well taking care the UV and weights automatically.
Imported back to CC, hid the eyes, teeth, tongue and tweaked the texture.
The beauty of this method is, that faceless cloth inherits DHS from the head which normally is not possible to apply to cloth items.
Download faceless head cloth here: default it seamlessly fits on a CC3+ Neutral base (just need to hide eyes, teeth, tongue and eye elements).
And this is how to fit it to any other character and match the skin.
NOT attempt to use paint-bucket to replicate the shader from the head to faceless cloth.
It would not work right and would require to restart CC to get the correct shader back.
Use the method in the video...
If you guys decide to sculpt it further to the specific shape in Blender, use pipeline and when return, you need to use
Hide Body Mesh Tool for the cloth and hide the head and part of the neck - same as it was hidden for the original.
Updated: Conform range is set not to deform the face when applied to various characters. A slight smoothing of the neck would still require.