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AccuFace - Not tracking my face, even after calibration

Posted By LarryPlane 7 Months Ago
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Posted 7 Months Ago
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I tried the demo of Accuface today, with a demo of iClone 8, and it has to be said, the results were less than stellar. 

I calibrated to a calm face, with mouth slightly open, plus all the other calibrations, set the camera to 1080, place a ring light in front of me with the webcam in the middle of it, and I got a lot of green tracking points.

But when I did a preview, with, I think Caleb, the mouth was all over the place, and just saying simple words caused the mouth to open much wider than it should, almost like yawning.
In fact most of the face movements were all over the place.

What am I missing?

Posted 5 Months Ago
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I bought the plugin and after a lot of problems getting it all to start, I am faced with the same problem, it does not calibrate very well and it just gurneys the face with eyes open wide, plus tiny to no lip sync whatsoever?

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