Hey everyone, I actually got tired of asking about this in many videos of the youtube channels and I just can't seem to find documentation about it enywhere, I'm really stuck with this on my project and I woud sincerely and profoundly appreciate your help as I'm on a schedule near the deadline on my personal project.
I followed the Unreal live link tutorial from Reallusion official documentation (
and got to properly transfer my characters, animations and even cloth simulation from iclone 8.3 to UE5.2. Everything looks awesome and runs smooth in the preview
when I press play, it's all accurate enough. The PROBLEM is,
after rendering the recorded sequence (using take recorder)
there's noise and a glitchy result only on the cloth simulation.
I'm no UE expert, but my guess is 1 I need to somehow
chache the cloths physics? prior to rendering. 2 it seems like the time on the cloth simulation is synced up sith UE preview window and simulating on real time, so UE render (not realtime) is missing frames of cloth simulation between actual rendered frames, thus resulting in unexpected glitches.
Pfff I even tried rebuilding my clothes in MD and simulating there, bringing the alembick back to iClone and sending it to UE, didn't work, textures were find but there was no animation. So I had to bring it to maya and reexport from there, which did the job (but still I had poking issues to worry about now, and transparency maps to connect that I had before for assets created with hide mesh tool that now are gone and not a part of the new naked version of the avatar coming from iclone).... yup, it's been a bumpy road, and
I'd just love to keep it simple and limit my sftwr to iclone and UE... So PLEEEEEEASE! is there a solid recommended pipeline to render iclone clothes in UE? and forgive me if that's a newby question, but the pipeline with live link and take recorder just seems very different to me than any other sequence constructions I've seen. Could anyone bes so kind as to point me out in the right direction? Ive been asking for the tutorial for months now, I'd be happy if only someone could point me to any kind of useful documentation about this matter. Thanks so much! regards!