Here is a face morph to slightly amplify watery eyes effect.
Morph can only be used on CC3+ characters with CC_Base_TearLine, CC_Base_EyeOcclusion and Digital Human eyes.
Comes as face profile with single morph. Refer to the video to properly apply face slider.
* Compatible with any face profile.
* Morphs expands tear-line shape and cover the entire eye, but generally stays behind the eye mesh.
* Morph is only effective under certain light conditions where eyes reflection is created by a Rectangular or Tube Shapes (you may additionally play with light texture).
(Check out
Blur_Warm Atmosphere setup as an example)
* Morph only works under certain camera angles when eyes reflection is distinct.
* For specific lights setup you may additionally tweak tear-line element shader controls.
* For certain custom eyes, some additional morph tweaking in Mesh Edit mode might require (pushing it back or bringing forward).
* If you replaced tear line mesh or used FixEye Element button, you'd have to delete the slider and add it over.