First of all, sorry for replying that late.
Regarding the jittering when saving the motion to motionplus:
I can't really tell what causes this. I do not save my motions as motionplus files. If you disabled compressing motions on save in your preferences, it shouldn't be happening (at least when you save them as standard motion files). Maybe Reallusion should inspect this issue.
If it comes to Perception Neurons Motion Capture, I don't have 3.0 in particular but 2.0 and Studio.
But feet and leg issues happens even on the studio version.
To reduce or even eliminate it in some cases you should do the following:
- measure your body proportions accurately (especially hip to knee - to feet) and change Axis Software settings accordingly
- Proper placement of your "neurons" is crucial. Make sure the stay at their place the best way possible
- Change constraint and smoothing settings inside Axis Software until the results show the best results (depending on your type of motion, it needs to be changed)
- I do export them via FBX and not per Livelink to Iclone (didn't had timecode at first till Nov 16 2023). Don't know if this info is of any use to you
And if your already recorded motions have still issues, I do the following to fix it inside Iclone 8 Curve Editor:
Change the filter in the drop down to Z Axis Transform only and unthick the rest.
Then smooth all of them by 5 to 20.
It may happen, that the knees start to have stretch / limit issues after the smoothing process, because the altered Z positions.
To correct that, I open a new layer and bring the feet slightly up (Z Axis).
These methods are in some cases deconstructive and professional animators wouldn't do it that way. But for me it works like a charm and is much faster then any other methods I know of.
Hope I could be of any help on your 3D journey
If you got more questions, feel free to write me. It may take some time to get a respond though.
Oh, and if you are interested, I will post our newest movie later this day in this Forum as well. If desired check it out :)