Seeker123 (2/6/2024)
Any solution for it????Frankly, I don't understand why it doesn't work...:unsure:
In the old days, we used to edit the registry, because that is where the paths are stored, but that is a risky proposition.
It could be that the previous content folder for CC is still there, so you could check for that and move the content to some external storage. This will make it easier later to copy it back instead of reinstalling everything.
With the previous content folder no longer there, you could try again. As a last resort, start completely from scratch, by reinstalling everything. As a preperatory step move all content to an external drive.
If you feel brave, you could check the registry for where CC thinks the content folders are. Look under for a listing:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Reallusion\Character Creator\3.0 and Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Reallusion\Character Creator\3.0Likewise, for iClone 7, look under:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Reallusion\iClone\7.0 and
The values under WOW6432Node\Reallusion are just duplicates (possibly leftovers from 32-bit days), but they should match.
If you decide to edit the registry, make a backup first!
Thinking back when I did this, I actually created a .reg file with the value changes as that is much easier then editing the values directly.