Hello everyone
What is the officially recommended way to get from iClone 8 to UE5.3?
My goal is to have animated characters in UE5.3 with sound. So that my colleague can work with it.
I am a beginner with CC4 and iClone 8. Now I am having some difficulties importing my fbx file into Unreal Engine 5.3.
I am not sure where I have made mistakes. I have already read the manual and watched many videos on this topic.
Can someone please help me?
To explain my problems briefly:
- When I import my FBX file, it has a strange skeleton in UE5. I'm not sure if this is correct, but it looks like a error to me.
- The hair and clothes are transparent. How can I fix this without editing it later in UE5?
Here are inport/export and skeleton screenshots: