I am posting here because it looks like the Forums for iClone7 and CC3 have been closed and no new posts can be made.
I have some iC7 content that I would like to upload to my store but the Smart Gallery is not show up at all in iC7. It shows up in CC3.
The Smart Gallery is installed for both iC7 and CC3...
But when I start iClone 7 there is no Smart Gallery Tab and there is no apparent option to show it in the menu:
What do I need to do to make Smart Gallery show up in iC7?
Is there an alternate way to upload content to my Reallusion Marketplace? (The Content Uploader used previous no longer works)
"We often compare ourselves to the U.S. and often they come out the best, but they only have the right to bear arms while we have the right to bare breasts"
Bowser and Blue, Busting The Breast