I followed this tutorial for importing and setting up custom shirts/pants
https://youtu.be/a3aqWQ26KV0?si=AR3sZluLfVEZGSJ5When I initially imported the shirt/pants, it looked like this.
(Even though i used the exported CC fbx character in the app where I created shirt / pants, but that's another story).
In the app that the shirt / pants were done, they fit fine....but in CC4 they did not fit, they looked like below.
(I did not set up and apply any materials yet, that would be done in Unreal 5.3)

Following the YT tutorial, I was able to fix 95% of the issues....
It still need some fixing, but I wanted to see how it got imported into Unreal 5.3.

The important thing to do is when exporting the fbx file...
To export it using the current pose.
Otherwise import into UE5.3 will have pose and clothing out of sync.

In import, I have to use "Use T0 as ref pose"
So that character pose and clothing "pose" are in sync.

(No materials have been applied yet)
This is how it looked in UE5.3

The back looked fine, but the front did not look correct as you can see.
Can you advice on how to fix this problem?
Why does it not look like the exported version from CC4?