I am trying tom make some CC3 clothing items. I have done so in the past with success but I have not made any for a while. Now that I have returned, the workflow that I recall does not seem to be working anymore. I am guessing I am making a mistake in some of the steps but have not been able to determine the cause. I do not have the Pipeline Edition, so I am using the Cloth import with FBX Key as opposed to the Transfer Weights directly in CC3.
The video show the steps that I have taken and the issue but essentially:
1. Use the CC3 Developer Template to create the desired clothing (in this case a Latex dress).
2. Parent the clothing to the CC3 Template armature (in this case the Maya female FBX template).
3. Transfer the weights from CC_Body to the clothing.
4. Export as FBX.
5. Use the Cloth import function in CC3 and select the saved FBX file.
6. Select the FBX Key associated with the template
(in this case the Maya female FBX Key file).
7. When the cloth dialog comes up, adjust the type and cloth layer if necessary.
When I do the above process, it all works but after the import I see my dress but the CC3 character on which it is loaded gets distorted. Looks like the legs mesh is stretched up past the characters head. Adjusting the opacity of the clothing does not affect the stretched legs, suggesting that the stretched mesh is not part of the dress. When the dress is saved as a full body item, it fails to load when applied to a new character.
If anyone can suggest what I may be doing wrong, that would be greatly appreciated. As I said, I have created numerous cloth items that worked with this workflow so there is probably some small step that I am missing.
"We often compare ourselves to the U.S. and often they come out the best, but they only have the right to bear arms while we have the right to bare breasts"
Bowser and Blue, Busting The Breast