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Help With Running Animation

Posted By tang_817818 Last Year
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Does anyone know an easy tutorial or way to create a running and jumping animation? I've been working with Iclone8 for a while but am not satisfied with my result. I especially do not like how it looks from the front. 
Posted Last Year
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Hey !

So it doesn't look bad at all as it is for now.

- front view, I'd recommend bringing the legs together, just a little, and moving them more upright so they don't look like they're going outwards. Go to motion editor and select "FK Mode". Just turn the bones of both thighs slightly. You should already have better results.

- Jump: you need to add more key frames to make the jump look more natural and less jerky. And maybe play with the transition curve editor at key moments, such as when he's just starting to jump and when he's about to land.

But honestly, it's not bad at all, especially if you've done it from scratch or only from video as a source.

Cheer up my friend, you're geting there!

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