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Face Puppet recordings not showign up in timeline + extreme expressions looking bad with mocap or...

Posted By StudioKasPRO 2 Years Ago
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Face Puppet recordings not showign up in timeline + extreme...

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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Hello everyone, new to iClone 8, have been watching bunch of tutorials last few days but I can't seem to find out how to adjust the model default expressions, or maybe so their limits and how severe they are and also when then making an animation in iClone I'm trying to use Face Puppet to add additional expressions on top of the animations that come with the software.

The goal is to create a loop that will showcase all the expressions, so imported the full face_01 sequence, it shows up in the timeline, next I do copies of it and want to alter each next one with additional animations, I tried the mocap with iphone, but I just found it too shaky, instable and lacking the ability to pull of some specific fine expressions so I thought I'd just use that full_face_01 sequence as a base and then add extra variations to it.

I opened animation layer and added a new layer, renamed it, gave it color, it is checked where it says conditions as is the base layer and motion layer, I pressed on the lockpad icon on base layer and motion layer since I assume that locks these off and they won't get affect right? Then the new layer (let's say I called this one cheek bulge) has they lockpad unlocked, selected, I go to the start of this animation sequence, open the face puppet and start recording but it overwrites completely the existing animation showing just what I puppeteered instead of leaving in all parts of animation I'm not puppeteering (which is everything except for the cheek bulging, in face puppet for this one I uncheck every part of the face so that it's only thing it alters).

Also why does this not appear in the timeline? In there I can see "motion", when I expand this I see "gesture" and "motion layer" I can expand and "weight" track I can't, I can expand the head layer too but all I see there are individual keyframes, I can't alter keyframes for individual parts of the face, nor does any new layer appear despite creating new animation layer and doing the recording. What am I missing here? I'd like to be able to add additional animations on top and blend them or keep directly along with rest of the animation, kinda like I'd do in Blender where I'd keyframe a keyshape, it's independent of other blendshapes and appears in the timeline there as a separate track with it's keyframes.

Also how do I specify limits of expressions or just expressions in general of my character? I check the face key menu but this doesn't seem to actually alter the animations or mocap, only the sort of preview since I did try to select expressions from the expression tab and then modify them with the muscle stuff and modify tab and change the expressiveness value but when I then pick another expression, it all just resets and expressiveness value is global for them all. I checked here: but I can't find answer in any video, or maybe there is but I'm just too dumb to find it.

Please, I need help on this ASAP, I've spent a whole week on this almost and got nowehere, it's for an already paid for project and I need to get these animations done to proceed with it, I'm not a 3D guy or animator at all, hence the difficulty.

I'm already using full version of CC4 and iClone (bought due to the blackweek discount few days ago).

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