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Headless biped rig / Face is torso / Rubberhose bodyface

Posted By gbbachmann Last Year
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Headless biped rig / Face is torso / Rubberhose bodyface

Posted Last Year
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Hello people!

I've finally bought iClone and I'm wondering if there's any way for me to use the functionalities of iClone and its library of premade animations with a character who's face is attached to his torso.
Characters like these are more common in 2D animation and less, it seems, in 3D.
Oftentimes when inanimate objects are brought to life they simply get a face slapped on along with some rubberhose type limbs, creating a sort of headless bipedal humanoid.
I will post a few examples below.

Is there a simple way to create or convert rigs for these types of characters in iClone or Accurig?
Can I simply bypass some of the spine bones and link the head/face animation to the hips/spine1 somehow?
Any tips or tutorials would be greatly appreciated <3

Ramen Food Character (Source) 

-   Sushi Samurai (Source)  -  

French Fries Character (Source)

Rock Star Strawberry Character (Source)

This Reallusion pack seems to make it easy to create characters from inanimate objects in Cartoon Animator 5:

Make Me Actor (Source)

Here's an old ad from which my characters animations will be inspired:
Svali TV Ad (1998)
These are some of the characters from the ad:

Thanks for taking the time to read my question.
Hope you have a great day!
Posted Last Year
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I think it could be done by accurig.
I don't have too much experience with that, but I found this video that might help with your request.

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