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Creating packs for the Marketplace (CC4)

Posted By DRLarkin 2 Years Ago
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Creating packs for the Marketplace (CC4)

Posted 2 Years Ago
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I'm trying to get my first pack / item up on the Marketplace.  I have some questions I am hoping y'all can help with.
My questions are mainly around Content Spec and Attribute flags.  I have found info on what each means but not how they are set / triggered.
91% of original size (was 554x274) - Click to enlarge
I've created several Avatars (ccAvatar).  They have clothes, shoes, hair but the only icon that shows up on mine are CC Avatar and CC Component. 
I don't understand (and I cannot find info in the documentation) what triggers those or how I set them.  Any insight there?

For Attributes, I get Human Shader, PBR, Substance and Morphable on my individual items.  I have no idea what triggered these.  What did I do that flagged Morphable for example. 
I have wrinkles on my Avatars and soft physics setup for hair and clothes.  No Attribute flag for those.  Same for Smart Hair.
I don't understand (and I cannot find info in the documentation) what triggers those or how I set them.  Any insight there?

Also,  the Attributes only show on items (a single Avatar).  When I put several Avatars into a pack, the pack doesn't have any Attribute flags.  Notta.  Zero.  Zip. 

I want to list my Avatars for both CC4 and IC.  The pack has a PACK INCLUDES section in the description that shows "For Character Creator only" and has the count for my Avatars.  Will this still get listed in for Marketplace under both CC and IC? 
I realize I could just publish something and test this out but I am trying to avoid publishing anything until I have a better understanding of how this all fits together.

And if you are still reading, one last question (for now):
All of my items/packs have a BASE CONTENT section that is EXTREMELY long.  It also states "Base content already purchased:".  Will customers to the store see all of this?  Or is it just my view?  It's insane...
This is just a snippet.  The list goes on and on...
91% of original size (was 554x274) - Click to enlarge

Sorry for the long post.  Thanks for any insights, direction or comments. 

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Not being a vendor myself, I cannot answer some of your questions.

However, from a buyer's perspective, I would not appreciate having to buy a ton of additional assets just to be able to use something I purchased from a Marketplace vendor. Think about it: If you create e.g. a ccAvatar that uses expensive morphs and other assets that you may own, do you really expect people to pay you e.g. xx USD (or the equivalent in DA points) and also get yyy dollars' worth of additional stuff? If you limit your potential customers to those people who may already have those assets, their number is going to be the smaller, the longer the list of necessary third-party assets is (unless, of course, these are just standard assets that already come with iClone/CC4).

And yes, a buyer would see the long list of base content required as well as which, if any, of the items on that list the buyer may already own, because this is required information for a buyer to be able to make an informed decision whether or not to purchase. On several occasions, I have not purchased an item I was potentially interested in because of the additional base content required. The same applies, if the item itself is free, but requires paid-for base content, in which case I don't bother downloading the "free" item.

Some vendors of Avatars show them with (third-party) hair in the promo pictures/videos but clearly state in the product description that the character is sold without the hair used in the promos because only relatively few vendors create their own hair (AFAIK you always need third-party software to create decent-looking and physics-enabled hair; you can't do that in either iClone or CC alone).

My YouTube channel: Animations made with Cinema 4D and Reallusion Products

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Thanks for the reply.  What you described is exactly what I am trying to avoid.  I don't want that long list of requirements. 
Maybe I am missing something because this makes no sense to me.  I made the investment in SkinGen and Headshot 2.0 but if I create something and the buyer needs SkinGen and/or Headshot, what's the point?  If they have the tools they could just create their own versions of what I'm making. 
One would think that you invest in the add-on tools so you could provide something to the general market that does not have access to those tools. 
I really feel I am missing something but am starting to worry I am not. 


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Are any SkinGen assets in you Base Content list? The items in the list you provided a snippet of look like morphs to me, which, if they were made by a third-party would require the buyer to also purchase those morphs. Pretty much the same applies to hair and clothing originally made by some other then those provided by RL with iClone/CC4 (which users of these program should have and could use without additional payment).

I don't think the need to purchase base content applies to things you create with Skingen or Headshot from scratch, but I could be wrong; I have not studied the minutiae of RL's legalese for vendors.

However, it seems to me that most vendors that offer good content create this with non-Reallusion tools (Blender, ZBrush, Marvelous Designer and Substance Painter seem popular), with these tools (a) providing functionality that iClone/CC don't offer and (b) avoiding most or all of the base content issues. Most of the vendors I buy from on a repeat basis either have empty Base Content lists (i.e. their assets need no Base Content) or they require stuff that comes courtesy of RL or the required assets are ones that I already own (most fall into the first category though).

My YouTube channel: Animations made with Cinema 4D and Reallusion Products

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I really feel I am missing something but am starting to worry I am not.

No, you are not missing anything. It's an RL policy which makes zero sense.
IMO, If you bake RL SkinGen layers into texture and RL sliders into mesh, the end user should not be obligated to buy those dev tools the avatar was created with.
But unfortunately that is not the case at the moment.

Workaround for sliders

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