Not that I know. Acculips takes time to process.
This weekend I released a new Text to Speech app called Simon, and I am making a video of how to use it now.
The app is here if anyone wants to try it out.
Simon with comes with 74 English voices. You can filter by country and gender to narrow it down.
There is an installer that is real simple to install. The only hart part is to keep it free, you must create a free Azure account, then create a Resource Group, A Speech Service and select the Free Pricing tier, generate a key and set two Environment variables for SpeechKey and SpeechRegion. Microsoft gives you half a million characters spoken free per month, so that is why the setup requires a Microsoft Azure account. The instructions are listed on the Git Hub link above.

I will look at the costs involved to create a site. I think I would have to charge if it was a site, because the usage once it exceeds the half million characters per month goes to $16 per million characters spoken.
Creator of the free website:
A Free Online Text Based Image Editor