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How do i retain my linework when bending my characters arm? It is an SVG Sprite attached to a bone
Posted 2 Years Ago
Group: Forum Members
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Hi ty505Ive raised this question my self a while ago. The only answer I got was that there isn't a one for all technique. I would recommend watching the draw to animate video, that might help. have had a similar problem with my characters as originally I had a black outline. Best advice is either get rid of the lines all together, but in my case it was a little too late as I already pre- made a lot of my characters. The other solution may be helpful is, rather than having black lines, make them the same colour as the certain limb but slightly darker. This is so that you can still have an outline, but the little imperfections aren't as noticeable when animating (lifting arms up). Also make your lines varied in thickness. So rather than having all the lines the same thickness, I made my lines varied. In some areas they are thicker and in other like the joints, I made them thinner. This has helped a lot, and has also helped with some clashing where there joints are.