Posted 2 Years Ago
Group: Administrators
Last Active: Last Year
Posts: 79,
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Dear Users, iClone Omniverse Live Sync are optimized for USD Composer 2022.3.3 (release version) and above. To ensure the best performance, please make sure that your Omniverse USD Composer and Nucleus Service is up to date. USD Composer 2022.3.3 (release version) and above: Nucleus Service 2023.1.0 (release version): Usage Guide for iClone Omniverse Two-Way Live Sync
Besides the basics provided in the manual and tutorials, users may find the following workarounds useful for some edge cases. - Certain animations may not update in real time within the viewport after being transferred to Omniverse. To refresh the viewport, it is necessary to adjust the Preset FPS in the Omniverse timeline.

- In some cases, crowds transferred to Omniverse may not be properly posed. Instead, they assume the T-pose in the Omniverse viewport.

To update the project, please disconnect Live Sync and then proceed to perform a Fetch. 
- In some cases, the link needs to be disconnected in order to fetch data and see the correct results. A common occurrence is the disappearance of the body when transferred to Omniverse.
 To update the project, please disconnect Live Sync and then proceed to perform a Fetch.  - Some iClone constraints fail to live preview in Omniverse, like Look at Camera, editing path keys, and deleting path keys. You’ll need to move the camera or scrub the timeline in order to refresh the data stream to Omniverse.
Let us know any questions.
from Reallusion iClone Team