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Request for animation creation

Posted By rsplinter Last Year
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I would like to find someone that can generate a short video representing the operations of a medical device on a person for show-and-tell in the classroom. Please let me know if you're interested and I will give more details
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I am Interested!

Prisha Singh

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Thank you. in case you want to discuss this I may provide my e-mail so I may share details. The general idea is that the simulation describes the current workings of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), saving a patient for cardiac arrest by means of a high energy joilt. The person will be walking and the device in the chest delivers a shock at which point the person (young, patients as young as 3 years old wear a device like this). For the similation it will be safe to use a teenager 16-18 years old. When the patient receives the shock from the ICD this will cause serious pain and the patient will grab her/his chest. At this point the energy shock also makes the chest contract and the patient will loose consiousness. As a result the patient will fall to the ground, for instance bending knees and falling sideways. Once landed on the flor the patient will recover and raise her/his head.   More details about the clinical solution in case you are still interested can be shared through private communications. For young patients they may be playing in a playground and become injured when falling as a result of the shock.  All the best
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Still interested.?
Can discuss on any platform you prefer, too many details I don't want to share with everyone 
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Hello, I'm interested too!
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Hi, does the desciption sound doable ? Let me know how you want to communicate the details and next steps.  Robert
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Hi again, the simulation will run as follows:      The person will be walking and the device in the chest delivers a shock at which point the person (young, patients as young as 3 years old wear a device like this). For the similation it will be safe to use a teenager 16-18 years old. When the patient receives the shock from the ICD this will cause serious pain and the patient will grab her/his chest. At this point the energy shock also makes the chest contract and the patient will loose consiousness.  [the "shock" can also represent being hit in the chest by a bullet, but no bullet to be seen]  As a result the patient will fall to the ground, for instance bending knees and falling sideways. Once landed on the flor the patient will recover and raise her/his head.   More details about the clinical solution in case you are still interested can be shared through private communications. For young patients they may be playing in a playground and become injured when falling as a result of the shock. You can offer this simulation on Reallusion for sale and I may buy it if the price is right ~ $100 for instance, but none-exclusive in this case.
Posted Last Year
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Hi again, the simulation will run as follows:      The person will be walking and the device in the chest delivers a shock at which point the person (young, patients as young as 3 years old wear a device like this). For the similation it will be safe to use a teenager 16-18 years old. When the patient receives the shock from the ICD this will cause serious pain and the patient will grab her/his chest. At this point the energy shock also makes the chest contract and the patient will loose consiousness.  [the "shock" can also represent being hit in the chest by a bullet, but no bullet to be seen]  As a result the patient will fall to the ground, for instance bending knees and falling sideways. Once landed on the flor the patient will recover and raise her/his head.   More details about the clinical solution in case you are still interested can be shared through private communications. For young patients they may be playing in a playground and become injured when falling as a result of the shock. You can offer this simulation on Reallusion for sale and I may buy it if the price is right ~ $100 for instance, but none-exclusive in this case.

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