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Right way to modify textures?

Posted By Inkubo 2 Years Ago
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Right way to modify textures?

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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I'm trying to fix textures on an imported model for the first time with CC4, and I can't seem to figure out how to do it right.

The model is from DAZ, so it has surfaces like "Face" and "Nostrils" which are usually identical, using all the same maps. All I want to do is get Face right and copy it to Nostrils and then Lips, and move on to fixing other texture groups. This is trivially easy in DAZ and Blender, and I suspect it's easy in CC4 as well, but the proper method seems to be undiscoverable by a new user.

1. In the Material List section there is a Copy Material Parameters button--but no paste. So I can copy *something* from Face but there's no way to paste to Nostrils (or use it in any other way, as far as I can tell).
2. In the Texture Settings there are Copy and Paste buttons, but they only work on one map at a time. Face and Nostril are far apart in the Material List, so doing it that way would be painful and unnecessarily error-prone.
3. Material Link sounds good, but I tried it, and it won't link properly until the material settings are already identical, so it seems it won't help me make Face and Nostril identical.
4. Saving a Material Plus with just the Face sounds ideal in the online manual, as if its job were to package up the material's settings and maps to be applied together later on, but once I have a Material Plus file for Face, it can only be reloaded on Face. I cannot select Nostril and then load the file, so I guess that means Material Plus is not intended to be used to transfer materials.
5. There is a Material Consolidation feature that sounds perfect! I could define Nostril to use the Face textures if I consolidated. But the Consolidate options are always grayed out for me.

What can I do that actually works to easily copy my Face textures to the Nostrils in the Material List?
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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UPDATE: I still have this problem, but I was wrong about something in my previous post. I see that in the Materials List section, a "Paste Shader Parameters" button does in fact appear. It just apparently always remains grayed out and unusable.

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