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Posted By philipjie117 Last Year
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Hi, I'm Philip! Just like what I said in the subject, I'm a programmer. =w=
It's my first time contact with 3D animation and iClone content, especially programming. I have been in contact with iClone7 for a month. I have to say that there seems to be relatively few iClone-related programming teachings on the internet, which confuses me a little. Maybe the way I searched for information about iClone programming is not correct.
Whatever, so happy to be here. Hope that I can find the solution or help Smile
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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Hi Philip... Welcome to the forum.

If you are looking for help with iClone 7 rather than iClone 8, do check out our YouTube Playlist below. There are 125 tutorials there but if you are a newcomer to iClone 7 look for the "Basics" and "Getting Started" tutorials first before moving onto more advanced tutorials.


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Thank you, Peter.
So happy to have your reply. Inspired by your tutorials, I just solve a problem about joint tilt. I have been troubled by this problem for a long time. Thanks for your advice.
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Hi Philip welcome πŸ‘‹

Β¬ Deanimation

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