I'm confused about how to use the Edit Facial tool. I can open it up, and assign an expression to a character:
75% of original size (was 670x19) - Click to enlargeBut where do I go from there? I'd like to make a blend shape out of this, for example, but if I try to open the Facial Profile Editor, that automatically closes and reverts the "Edit Facial" window, and any adjustments are lost.
I don't see any options in the "Edit Facial" window to add new expression, or actually create anything there. I also don't see how any of the things I create there will be available in an FBX, when I export the model (for example, to Unity.)
What am I missing here? I'd like to make a Facial Profile with various expressions on it, which can be adjusted with blend shapes. I'd like to use the nice UI of the "Edit Facial" window to create these expressions, but I don't understand how.