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Duplicate Character Problem

Posted By schming2 Last Year
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Last Active: Last Year
Posts: 52, Visits: 302
I have a dancing character. The hands, hats, eyes etc. are props I attached in composer mode. I want to duplicate the character and all motions etc. to have a group of dancers doing the exact same thing. When I duplicate the character all motions are there but with none of the prop visibility changes. Just the ones that are visible at '0'. Also the new character automatically snaps back exactly to where the original character is as soon as I press play. Is there a way to stop this so the duplicates are beside the original character with all the changes included? I tried saving the character and the motion/action but when I load the character all the attached props are visible and large. Thanks if you can help.
Last Year by schming2

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Forum Post Duplicate Character Problem By schming2 ( Last Year )

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