Fionn (RL)
Fionn (RL)
Posted 2 Years Ago
Group: Administrators
Last Active: 2 Years Ago
Posts: 87,
Visits: 614
v4.23 (4.23.1722.1) released on May 23rd, 2023 Several enhancements and bug fixes.Enhanced: • AccuRIG: Besides restricting AccuRIG characters to 600K poly count, poly count display and links to binding instruction have also been added. • AccuRIG: The skin binding process has been optimized. In our internal tests conducted on models with poly counts of 600K to 800K, we observed a significant reduction in processing times, with the times being cut in half in some instances. • Revised the icons for the Select Tool > Grow / Shrink Selection, Edit Mesh, Skin Weights, and Transfer Skin Weights function. Fixed:• Application crashes when motions are applied to certain characters, e.g., MetaHuman dummy avatar from the iClone MetaHuman Kit and some ActorCore characters. Feedback Tracker