Hi all,
I'm directing a live action feature film with a couple of well-known actors, and I've been using iclone to create an animated storyboard as a visualization tool. However, I'm getting busy with other aspects of the production, and I'm falling behind on storyboarding, so I'm looking for someone to help.
I don't know if this is the right place to find someone, but if it is, here's the project:
I have a script, iclone characters and iclone locations already created (in addition to 85% of the scenes). I need someone who can roughly stage the remaining scenes, add the dialogue, and set up a few cameras, so I can then move them around. All the work is very basic and simple, and requires less iclone expertise than imagination and storytelling skills. Experience with narrative filmmaking a plus. I've included a sample video for reference - very basic stuff. Pay is low, but it's a great opportunity to be involved with a very cool project (script ranked at the top 5% in the Academy screenwriting fellowship) while making an extra couple of bucks.
If you'd be interested, let me know! If this forum isn't the right place for this post, could anybody direct me to what that place is?