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CastingCall.Club - My Review of a Voice Acting Forum

Posted By thebiz.movies 2 Years Ago
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CastingCall.Club - My Review of a Voice Acting Forum

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Last Week
Posts: 2.1K, Visits: 42.3K
Hey all, In the past I have relied upon family, friends and Fiver to find voice actors for my projects.  For my latest project (Gunderson) I found CastingCall.Club and decided to give it a go.  I posted my project with four unpaid roles and a two week audition deadline.  With three days left to the deadline I have received 11 auditions with good choices for each role which far exceeds my expectations for the site.

Here is my listing:

The process is you add your profile with social links and a description where you can list previous projects.  You add the project with description and photo, and then add roles to the project which allow for a description (should include the size of the role; how many times does the character speak, number of scenes, number of words), a photo and space for three potential audition lines.  Then you set the audition deadline.  When a VA auditions you can visit your project page and listen to (and possibly download) the auditions.  There's also a fair amount of things to do with the auditions in case you get a lot and need to easily manage them (upvote, public comment or pm the VA, ect).

Here are some tips from my experience:
  • Provide expectations and act professionally and courteously  - Detail your own level expertise + examples to temper expectations, scheduled project completion date, deadline for audition, deadline to have the roles complete, an assurance that you will let all the VAs know if they are accepted or passed, how you want the voice files (file type, separate individual lines vs whole scenes in one take).  There are a lot of projects and the the better yours looks the better chance you have of getting VAs interested. Provide pictures of the project and the roles.  When you add your project the site provides a pretty good example project which you should emulate to some degree.
  • Describe the project and VA roles in ways that will be interesting to the actor.  They want to have fun and try voices and emotions that give them a chance to shine so the more details you provide the better. 
  • Remember that the audition lines are often not enough to set the scene so you may need to "direct" the audition by providing context, scene descriptions or directions.  Its better to do this from the start instead of having to change it later once you realize the auditions are not getting what you want (this happened to me twice and I turned off one VA because of it).  
  • Provide these details before you publish.  You can edit later but you only get one first impression.
  • Be patient.  I've received auditions in a steady stream over the two weeks.  Every time I think all the auditions are in I get another one.  
So yea, overall I have been impressed with the site which is suited well to hobby level projects and VAs but also has users with  varying levels of experience as well.
  • Free version ads are annoying  but not a deal breaker
  • You have to work out the transactions for paid roles yourself.  The site doesn't seem to have functionality for this.
  • Its free to list one project at a time but there are pay variations that remove ads, offer advanced statistics and allow more projects at once
  • Lots of voice actors

Feel free to add your experience with casting VAs on CCC or elsewhere or ask any questions you may have.

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