I am using the trial version for some days and pretend to use a CC4 Character on a web experience (an avatar that talks with the user on top of some AI services). I use a external services to apply blend shapes on the character that follows the ARkit blendshapes specification, the character is looking amazing and already making the speech movements I need but has one problem with Open_Jaw an Mouth_Close applied at same time. As specified by the ARkit docs when both are applied the character mouth should be closed. (e.g
https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/arfaceanchor/blendshapelocation/2928266-mouthclose) I tried to hack this around on my engine but I think this should be done on the character itself. If anyone knows how can I avoid the JAW_OPEN be applied when I have a MOUTH_CLOSE morph at the same time will help a lot!