thebiz.movies (4/12/2023)
Solid first effort.
Timing of the key framed animations is often pretty awkward. You can sell some of that with camerawork , editing and audio to cover up the blemishes.
While computer voices are easy to use I have a really hard time watching a longer video with so much robotic dialog. Real voices would have been a big improvement.
Sets, characters/costumes, lighting and renders look very good. It’s great to see an ambitious story being told. Looking forward to your future works.
Yeap, i must confess the key framed animations are pretty awkward since i kinda rush it. And forgive me for the computer voices since my places of work are in coffee shops mostly on a laptop. I would love to render my scenes in Unreal or omniverse in the future but currently am on a limited resource for my laptop. But truth be told, my main objective is really to deliver the core of my main story. I just figured about a few months ago that animating in iclone is pretty much my forte compare to scriptwriting.