Posted 2 Years Ago
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I copied all the files from my C drive C:/Users/PublicDocuments/Reallusion to a 3TB drive, then went into the content manager settings and added the new drive paths, but it was Re-installing back onto the C drive which i want it to be clear from here on out (I want my PC back running normal without having to de-fragg every time I use turn it on) I am not finding much online about moving these directories, is there a way to have ALL assets on another hard drive, also CCv4 now has no sliders, I have uninstalled iclone 8 and cc4 and re-installed to a new drive location, but the content keeps installing in the C drive, I also deleted C:/Users/PublicDocuments/Reallusion after copying to the location that I want on a larger drive. I need to move. 900GB of projects and assets, is there a way to do this and Permanently use another Drive and File Paths? (without going into the registry keys, I do not feel comfortable in modifying them) I noticed Sync a file moves them back on the C in the content manager, even though I re-installed on a larger drive, I am almost maxed out on a 2TB MBR Windows hard drive when the content is installed on the C drive. I have not found a way to run windows on a drive larger than 2TB and will lose a lot of my older software from other companies if I try to move them, I have moved all of Steam, deleted epic (no room for Epic,) moved DAZ, Blender and bunch of others Is there a way to move and keep my Reallusion content on another Drive? 76% of original size (was 664x19) - Click to enlarge
Posted 2 Years Ago
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I would like to add a 3 to 6TB drive dedicated to just Reallusion assets / projects (all content) and nothing on the C drive taking up half the 2TB space, I am running Embergen, creating VDB files which get very large along with creating test apps (as a hobby) and would like to free up the C drive for other stuff besides running iClone and CCv4 with the content installed, any suggestions would be welcome, Thanx in advance
Posted 2 Years Ago
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I found out 1 of the issues every time I included a folded to Sync iclone 8 and CC4 would copy the assets to the C drive and it would also generate duplicate files, So I deleted the duplicates (I did not bother looking thru them 500k+ files3 and 4x duplicated between iclone v6,7,8 Character creator v1,2,3,4 Cartoon Animator v1,2,3,4 (motions files in CTA) recovered 300+GB and still missing morph sliders CCv4 (will install them next from original main Reallusion files I saved on other drive as a backup before deleting all C:Documents/reallusion/reallusion the files to save memory on the C drive).
CC4 is missing most of the content, I am tempted to just delete every file again with I orbit and just re-install from the HUB along with deleting CC2 and CC3 completely,
There has to be a way to keep the content on another hard drive without CC4 and IC8 duplicating the files on to the C drive after Syncing?
Posted 2 Years Ago
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I think I solved the issue, if I right-click on the packs in the content manager there is an option to "Move Location" I will get back to this in a day (I am going to have to uninstall CCv4 completely delete all files (this will be quicker than moving the original backup files back to the C drive) then I will see what happens when installing each Pack in the content manager and moving them and restarting CC4
Posted 2 Years Ago
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uninstll - reinstall CC4 morph sliders back, content moving appears to be working (right click packs and move them) Morph sliders are installing in Content section and not in Modify / Morph section, Fixed, I went in the morph slider section right click and found the file path, then copied the content manager files into it . this is the default Morph slider path C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Reallusion Templates\Actor\Avatar Control\CC Embed Morphs 76% of original size (was 664x19) - Click to enlarge
Posted 2 Years Ago
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After uninstall - re-install 2 or 3x and changing the install location / and the settings template path in the Content tab), I deleted all sync links that I added in CC4 and re-installing the packs 1 at a time, they are installing on the correct drive path and the C drive looks stable like the memory is stable enough for me to use again, now shoes and some pants are not working correctly they blank out the legs or body (looks stretched out (uninstalling and trying again) I will get back to this next week. this is time consuming to get CCv4 working again, just to have my C drive working properly
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Morph sliders have updated when installing all packs, there is an issue with G5 shoes and clothes they are not compatible with new characters, but everything else installed and looks like it is working fine, I saved about 400GB of space on the C drive, all assets are installing in the correct file path off of the C drive. I think RL updated as I was re-installing, before the file paths were making duplicates on the C drive when Sync file locations,. Thanks RL for fixing this file path issue, for months I have been meaning to dig into this to free up space for the C drive, now I can do 1 final Defrag to optimize the windows files and re-index the drive
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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Great to hear you seem to have everything working now. :)
Peter Forum Administrator
Posted 2 Years Ago
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It took some time ,.. but was worth freeing up space on the C drive and getting the software to sync correctly without duplicate files in 2 drives
Posted 2 Years Ago
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My situation is very similar to that of SpiderTec. When I installed iClone 7 and content on my current computer nearly four years ago, I installed iClone to my boot drive (C drive) and content to an external hard drive (G drive). Content packs acquired since then have also been installed to my G drive. When my G drive (1 Tb) started to get full two years ago, I bought a 5 Tb drive (H drive). I copied all of my iClone content from my G drive to my H drive. Both drives are connected to my computer unless I'm away from home and only bring my H drive with me as was the case last week. I discovered that iClone discovered no content because my G drive was not connected. I want iClone to default to my H drive for content.
Is it possible to designate my H drive as the default content location or was that set in stone when I installed iClone? I found out how to use Setting to add a new Template folder location for installing new content or for moving existing content. Is the only way that I can get iClone to recognize the content on my H: drive as the default location by using the Move Location feature to move each of the content packs to my H drive - in essence, overwriting the files that already exist there? Or, is there a way to simply change the default location in iClone 7, Character Creator 4 and Cartoon Animator 4 to use my H drive instead of my G drive as the default content location?
Thanks much.