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Exporting to After Effects

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Exporting to After Effects

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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Hey everybody,
Hoping someone can enlighten me. I'm working on a project that's a music video. I may be doing it all wrong I'm just winging it and learning as I go. Anyway there's a ton of characters and props. It's basically one long video that uses the visible function a lot. I've added characters at about frame 875. Seem like when I add a character at this point it creates key frames at frame zero. So I've been making the character or props invisible at frame zero and then visible at the frame it needs to show up. Well when I rendered exporting to After Affects there's 874 black images in the sequence portion before the image appears. Is there a way to set things up where the character or props just start at the frame they're created at instead of creating key frames back to zero. I could be wrong but it seems like it add a bunch of extra stuff to render and uses unnecessary memory.  Hope you have some ideas. 
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Place the character outside the Preview Window (Working Area).
Add key to frame 1 for the character.
Add another key at frame 874.
At frame 875, bring the character to the Preview Window (Working Area).

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Posted 2 Years Ago
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Everything you put in the scene exists from frame zero which is the start of the timeline. I'm trying to get my head around what you're actually trying to do. if you just want to render from frame 875, then why not set the timeline in-point to that frame and just render from there? What's the reason to add a character at frame 875 if you don't need any of the previous frames?

Jeff Kirkland | Director • Cinematographer • Storyteller
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Hi Jeff 
Thanks for your reply. Like I said I'm totally new at this and I'm just trying to learn as I go. Basically this is a music video.  It's pretty much just one long scene because I'm not sure how to do separate scenes and keep it synchronized with the song. There's an intro that the band has at the beginning of all the videos. Then some lighting, electricity etc introducing the song. At about frame 874 the song starts and the lead singer appears. That's why he is created at frame 874. There's a lot going on before the song actually kicks in. So when I create that character it starts him at frame zero. There are also a lot of other characters, other band members, dancers in the crowd, stage props etc, and the same thing happens with them. So I  just made them invisible at frame zero and visible where they come into the scene. Same thing if the camera angle changes and say the lead singer is at the back of the room. When the camera angle changes and he's at the front of the stage, I just create another lead singer and make the other one invisible. Probably a lot of steps that aren't necessary but that's how I figured it out. The end product looks great and really cool. But when I export it into After Effects I  get all of those black frames which I guess is where the characters are invisible. Anyway I don't know if that helps you get your head around my process. Any suggestions are appreciated. 

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