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Props attached to character do not animate when transfered to UE5.1 with LiveLink - is there an easy...

Posted By chris_20150307160451360 Last Year
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Props attached to character do not animate when transfered to UE5.1...

Posted Last Year
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Hi. I am hoping somebody here might know the answer to an issue I am struggling to solve with iClone with LiveLink animation transferring to UE5.1
I have an object (paintbrush) attached to the hand of a character in iClone so that it animates along with the hand. Everything works fine in iClone but not in UE5.1 ... in UE5.1 the hand animates but the paintbrush does not.
Any ideas why?
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Edit: I changed the paintbrush from "link" to "attach" in iClone (that is, the paintbrush is now 'attached' to the characters hand as opposed to 'linked') - but, that now causes the paintbrush to disappear in Unreal Engine 5.1. 
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SOLVED: I figured it out - sort of obvious when you think about it. You MUST attach the prop to the character BEFORE you transfer it to UE5.1 via LiveLink. 

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