Posted 2 Years Ago
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Hi all, So I'm going to be using character creator 4 as part of a pipeline for creating game ready characters. I've seen a few tutorials where the characters is adpated in software like Zbrush and then brough back in. But in all these tutorials you can't change topolgy and I haven't seen anyone delete parts of the mesh. The reason I'm thinking of deleting polys is I want to save as many polys as possible. If say my character has jeans on there's no point them also having leg polys when you're never going to see the legs. So can I just delete the unseen polys or will this break the rig? Thanks in advance, Peter
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Hi Peter If you delete parts of the mesh the character will no longer be classified as a standard CC character. The better option is to hide the mesh under the clothes and CC4 has a number of ways to do this. In each case this will have the effect of reducing the load when rendering and exporting. Please see the manual pages below for more information.
Peter Forum Administrator
Posted 2 Years Ago
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Last Month
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Hi Peter,
Thanks for replying really appreciate that. So if I hide the polys and then export it or run it through the game ready algorithm, will it remove those polys completely so that the game engine won't read them either.
Many thanks,