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Motion Live / Webcam does not work

Posted By Risey Last Year
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Has anyone else noticed that the motion live (webcam) does not work, when u click to choose your device its a blank box, I then re-installed CTA4 and that worked fine....
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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I just tested and everything is working fine for me in CTA5.

Have you installed the latest Face Mocap (Webcam) profile for CTA5 and the Face3D Tracker software?

If so, when you run the Face3D Tracker software is this working correctly?

Once the Face3D Tracker is running you should just need to select Plug-ins > Motion LIVE 2D in CTA5 to open the Motion LIVE panel. Then in the Motion LIVE 2D select Face3D so that it displays green (see image below), and then click the Face dropdown in the Character List and choose Face3D. Once you do this everything should work correctly.


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Hi where do I download the latest version of the face mocap webcam profile? Everything works in CTA4 but still no joy in CTA5, maybe I need the update u mention...
UPDATE: I worked it out now, its a separate purchase for CTA5 lol..... geez.... I am in the wrong business, cheers
Last Year by Risey
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Does the webcam work with the Trial Version? Thanks!

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