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Why is my timeline looping while I record a scene?

Posted By Catahoula 3 Years Ago
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Why is my timeline looping while I record a scene?

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Catahoula (12/30/2022)

I have the timeline set to around 50,000 frames (we are eventually recording around 30 minutes  of material).


The maximum length of a project is 54,000 frames or 15 minutes. If you wish to record 30 minutes of total recording you will generally find it easier to create several smaller projects rather than one large project. This will make everything more manageable and you can simply edit all the rendered videos together in post production. 

- If I record a few minutes of the character while triggering and lip syncing, all looks good. But if I stop and start again, I will start to hear what I just recorded at some point. I believe my restart starts over from the beginning  - is there a way to stop this?

You have to make sure you move the Play Head (26 on the page below) to the correct starting frame before recording any new dialogue or animation. You should be able to see your recorded voice clips on the Viseme track of the Timeline. Note: These clips can be dragged to different positions if required.


- Sort of unrelated to this, my timeline was starting at frame 667 and I could not get it to go to frame 0. I see no keyframe at 667. I can drag the top timeline indicator to 0, but as soon as I hit the spacebar to start recording it jumps to 667

Check that you haven't moved the playback/render start marker to frame 667. If you move the start and end markers (27 on the page above) then these will be the selected start and end frames iClone will use.


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A couple - presumably Newbie issues I keep encountering but can not figure how to correct.

I am recording a scene with two characters in a room. My main character is sitting behind a table, seen essentially form the waist up. I am using MotionTrigger with a bunch of pre-created arm motions, and Motion Live to do live lip sync These work and record fine. I start with a clean file -  I do no see any pre-recorded material. I visually explore the timeline to make sure all tracks are clear. I also do a right click and select the "select all clips" and hit delete to make sure. I believe I have every track open. I do not see anything in any part of the timeline. I have the timeline set to around 50,000 frames (we are eventually recording around 30 minutes  of material). Problems I encounter:

- If I record a few minutes of the character while triggering and lip syncing, all looks good. But if I stop and start again, I will start to hear what I just recorded at some point. I believe my restart starts over from the beginning  - is there a way to stop this?

- Sort of unrelated to this, my timeline was starting at frame 667 and I could not get it to go to frame 0. I see no keyframe at 667. I can drag the top timeline indicator to 0, but as soon as I hit the spacebar to start recording it jumps to 667 

Thanks in advance for any info!

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