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Character Staying in T pose after Rendering, Triggers not Rendering - what am I doing wrong?

Posted By Catahoula 2 Years Ago
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Character Staying in T pose after Rendering, Triggers not Rendering -...

Posted 2 Years Ago
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I am doing some final tests of a project. Tests had been working fine. Today, when I did the same type of test I have been doing using Motion Trigger plugin and Motion LIVE with the iphone - I would record a scene of my character looking at camera, triggering a few arm motions (custom triggers), and lip syncing - then would render it out (via IC8). On looking at the rendered clip, the audio is good, the lip synch is good, but my character maintains a static T Pose.

I am doing the proper procedure to be able to work Motion Trigger and Motion Live (turn-off enable Facial Function - so I can use my custom triggers, ctrl+space bar, click record on Motion Live, then space bar). When I record, I see my triggers working.
I can not figure out what I have set wrong or why this is occurring and appreciate any advice!

2 Years Ago by Catahoula

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