Hello everyone,
Been gone for a long time, I hope you're all doing ok !!
I'm writting here because I have a question regarding city skylines. I'm currently working on some project involving a huge city with an aerial shot. I did the city in Blender using OSM, pretty easy and only 50K polys, which is amazing:
75% of original size (was 675x19) - Click to enlarge
JHowever, when exported to obj or fbx and imported in iclone, there is a lot of flickering faces and I cannot find a proper solution to solve this. I don't understand why this is happening, the model is good and doesn't have any duplicate faces.
75% of original size (was 675x19) - Click to enlarge
Is there a way to make easy and functional 3d cityscapes inside iclone without having this issue ?
Thank you in advance for your time and guidance,