No, if you turn Spotlight visibility off, it should not render in Iray at all.
But there is no need to use any spotlights. Use natural emissive light from the screen image to illuminate the room and audience.
First crank Self-illumination for the TV screen and render to see if there is enough light coming from the screen.
Important: TV screen normals must be pointing outside. Inverted normals would create unpleasant effect and would not emit light correctly.
If that is not enough to illuminate the room, create a dummy in front of the TV screen.
Apply GI Emissive Plane_Square place it in front of the TV screen and make it the same size.
Apply the same TV image to the emissive material of it, crank Self-illumination to max.
Then make it a dummy and select Emit GI.
In Iray now it would be invisible but still illuminate the room.
Now you may play with Base Color Map and Emissive Multipliers for the dummy to control amount of light without disturbing the TV screen image.
This is a basic setup:

Iray render of it (no other lights in the scene other than emissive dummy in front of the screen):