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Can I make AccuLips using

Posted By dl_naverz_software 2 Years Ago
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Can I make AccuLips project using CC4 Standard Facial Profile(60+)?
When I choose charcter 2. Camila Facial Demo and apply CC4 Standard Facial Profile(60+), iClone sometimes turns off.

What makes me more confusing is, if I choose another character(e.g., character 3. AccuLips_Demo_Lewis_ToKoMotion), apply CC4 Standard Facial Profile(60+), and change the chacater to 2. Camila Facial Demo again, then it works(iClone does not turn off).

Can you please point out what I'm doing wrong? 
Thank you in advance.

This is what I tried(when iClone turned off).
1. Choose 'Project > IC Project > 4. Character > 2. Camila Facial Demo'. 

2. Click 'Actor > Character > Facial Profile > CC4 Standard (60+)' --> Message "There are multiple expression or viseme clips need to bake before applying ccFacialProfile. Would you like to bake it?" --> Click 'OK'.

3. Message 'Apply Facial Profile' pops up --> Click 'Apply' --> iClone screen suddenly turns off.

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