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marvelous designer clothes suddenly look low resolution when imported into cc4

Posted By jm15 2 Years Ago
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marvelous designer clothes suddenly look low resolution when imported...

Posted 2 Years Ago
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I've researched all I can find on exporting garments as obj files from Marvelous Designer and I even got a little support from one of their representatives. While it's possible I'm doing something wrong in MD, I'm now thinking the problem is with cc4. 

here is the garment in MD.

And here it is in cc4.

Extremely inferior, right?

All I did was set things up in the MD UVeditor, then export the garment as obj, and then add it in cc4 as an accessory.

Does anyone have the remotest clue what went wrong?
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Just in case it sheds any light on the issue, I imported the same obj into unreal engine and it looks completely different. For one, the coat looks great with the exception of the collar where the underside of the cloth is simply rendered as see through. The sweater however looks like a plastic block. No idea what's up here.

Dorothy Jean
Dorothy Jean
Posted 2 Years Ago
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What do you have your Real-time render options set to? - Make sure they are set to "high" and look like the below and Max Texture size is at least 4096. Let me know if that doesn't solve your issue, I may need to see the garment in order to better assist Smile

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