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Unable to apply iclone outfits

Posted By vijay.sagi 2 Years Ago
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I have Rigged avatar created(.fbx) using blender. I imported the ..fbx file into iclone 8.0  But am unable to apply the dress outfits to the avatar since it is throwing below error(attached).
Pls suggest how i can make my external avatar complaint to iclone 8 so that i can apply iclone outfits.


error.PNG (42 views, 75.00 KB)
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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As the error message states, to be able to apply clothing from your CC4 or iClone 8 library requires a CC compatible standard character. The character type you are using is classified as a Humanoid (Non-Standard) character. With non-standard character types you can't interchange clothing like you can with a standard CC character. Normally for these types of characters you would import the character already clothed.

Please Note: To be able to fully characterize non-standard character types requires Character Creator 4. It can't be done in iClone 8 alone.


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