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Can you stop the head turning to each side in Crazy Talk 8 lip sync only mode

Posted By coralieped 2 Years Ago
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Can you stop the head turning to each side in Crazy Talk 8 lip sync...

Posted 2 Years Ago
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I uploaded an audio as lip sync only.    My issue is there is an occasional head turning to each side that looks unnatural as my figure speaks    Is there a way to stop this side to side head movement and just have the person looking straight forward and talking?     thanks for your help. 

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 2 Years Ago
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If you use Lip Sync Only then there should be no head movement at all and only the lips will move. It sounds like you have added some movement keyframes already.

Try starting a new project, load your saved actor model (not project), and then apply the audio using Lip Sync Only. You should then find there is no head movement at all.


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