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No GoZ Split Body Part, "material group" option for Head, Arms, Legs, Body from CC to ZBrush.

Posted By david sharp 3 Years Ago
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No GoZ Split Body Part, "material group" option for Head, Arms, Legs,...

david sharp
david sharp
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Just replying to my own post (that no-one has replied to)

I have substance painter and I've noticed that the 'Substance Painter' option to export the model and textures is greyed out for the "Cartoon Character Designer - Toon Figures" 
 character I have in the first photo I posted in this thread so it must be some sort of protection that the original creator has made in order to stop people using the textures outside of CC.
I vaguely remember the store concept of Export License and Standard License on the RealIllusion Store, I'm sure I would have opted for the Export License which allows commercial use of the asset so 
it's a tad disappointing that I cannot easily modify the texture and paint in Substance Painter or ZBrush BUT there is an option to simply alter/re-colour the texture in 2D, say in Photoshop and then re-import the texture into 
 CC, it's not ideal painting in 2D but it's something. (see photos below):

Alter the CC Toon texture in Photoshop after exporting the Base Color from CC:
Re-Import the skin texture modified in Photoshop back into CC, it's not ideal but it is something:

A neat feature in CC is that you can modify the color of the character texture in one fell swoop, which is not bad if you want to change say the race of your Toon Designer avatar or make her alien, so all in all a solution BUT if anyone can tell me how to get this character and Polypaint it in ZBrush or into Substance Painter and paint the skin there and texture it maybe even, it would be much appreciated (as stated before I can skin/ texture polypaint in ZBrush a standard Avatar model but not for these bought in store Toon characters:

david sharp
david sharp
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I bought the "Cartoon Character Designer - Toon Figures" from the store and when exporting to ZBrush via GoZ in Character Creator I've noticed that the 'Split Body Part' Material Group options for Head, Body, Arms and Leg are all GREYED OUT so when I export to ZBrush I get a character to sculpt  and polypaint on as just one big mesh rather than the separate body parts (arms, head, main  body, legs etc) ; this isn't good for me as I wish to Poly Paint the skin in ZBrush and then re-import it back to Character Creator.

You can't do this as the original Toon textures in Character Creator are all split according to Head, Arms, Legs, Arms etc yet ZBrush receives the mesh on these textures as one big Subtool, so in ZBriush so you can only assign to the entire mesh / ZBrush Subtool  ONE texture not ALL of the head, arms, legs, body textures from the original Toon Avatar in CC.

This isn't a problem with the default CC_Base_Plus default Avatar lady in Character Creator, I just export her with her material split via head, arms, legs, body etc ticked in the GoZ exporter to ZBrush, import her CC Base Color and Bump maps to ZBrush for her arms. legs. body, and head parts and paint away in PolyPaint, send the character back to CC via Goz and apply the PolyPainted Skin in CC that I exported separately via ZBurhs.

The question is WHAT AM I MISSING (if anything) to enable the CC Toon character to be able to be exported to ZBrush with the body parts split ? Do I have to do something in 3DXChange or is there some function in CC that I don't know about ? I was thinking of possibly merging all the Base Color Maps and Normal Maps into one in Zbrush and then somehow splitting them up after poly painting and then assign them back into CC after I'm done but I doubt that's ever going to work.

My Toon Avatar below purchased from the store and unmodified exporting to ZBrush in CC via GoZ tool shows no options to export the head, arms, legs. body materials split as different meshes (Subtools in ZBrush). This is not the case with say, the default CC Base default characters, they can split materials (mesh parts), note I've tried to export in T-Pose also so this is not the main cause of this problem:

I've provided some screen shots below to highlight some of the stages and problems associated with my problem, any advice would be great. It's not the end of the world but it is very irritating, is this some deliberate ploy by the creator of the Toons to not allow the skin to me modified in anyway outside of CC ? CC is not really a texture painting app like ZBrush or Substance Painter so why would they do that ?

Note below in the two different screen shots that in CC, the Toon Avatar has different Base Color and Bump Maps (Texture and Normal maps in ZBrush) according to say Head, Body, Arms. Legs etc. yet ZBrush only accepts the Toon Avatar as one big mesh (Subtool in ZBrush) and therefore accepts only ONE color texture map and one normal map so how can one correctly assign the Color Texture and Normal maps in ZBrush if the mesh is one big single one and not split up into different body parts via GoZ ?

Finally below just to demonstrate the problem in ZBrush, I have just one mesh of the CC Toon character imported via GoZ to ZBrush and I've decided to assign one of the CC texture maps to it (the head) and as you can see it tries to stretch the head skin color map from CC to the entire Toon mesh not only the head and it looks a mess.

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