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Can I remove facial profile on a figure?

Posted By wetcircuit 2 Years Ago
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Posted 2 Years Ago
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I've used the Facial Profile Editor to create AR-Kit blend shapes (baked bone poses, Apple's naming and index order).
Saved my new blend shapes as a custom facial profile and can apply it to my other figures – btw, thank you Reallusion!

BUT… is there a way to remove facial profiles? Now that I have my custom profile I don't need the CC4 Extended or CC4 Standard (or visemes)… I don't seem able to remove them, just exchange one for the other…. Can I 'blank' the figure somehow? Or selectively delete un-needed morphs?

Apply Facial Profile has the option to Replace All or Add morphs…, but not to remove/delete the existing ones, afaict.

I can delete the extra blend shapes in 3rd-party software after exporting, but I'd love to export with only my intended blend shapes. Can I do this inside CC4?
Posted 2 Years Ago
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You can delete morph data individually per slider in Face Profile Editor (small gear icon)

And maybe when you delete all sliders data and export to FBX as Morph Sequence, you can apply that sequence to the next character face profile to clear all sliders (did not test that).
Or Save Profile and reapply to other characters..

I attached an Extended blank profile for zeroing out face morphs

blank (39 views, 149.00 KB)
2 Years Ago by 4u2ges

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