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Posted By Kimmie777 3 Years Ago
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Posted 3 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Last Year
Posts: 569, Visits: 1.1K
How can "ghosts" be cleared out of a scene? 

I am speaking of technical ghosts, here.  (This is what I have termed it as the best way to describe the issue.) 

I have a scene from 3 years ago.  It has no props in it, only plants and people. 

And weird things happen in it.  

* Weird things never happened in it back then.  But they do now when I pull the scene up. 

The only difference with this scene as compared to the others:

 In the scene I rendered 3 years ago in it: 

I also used billboards for crowd people, and a few older CC characters as well. 

And it would be whatever iClone 7 version that was out 3 years ago. 

Therefore, the older iClone 7 scene was re-opened after the last iClone 7 updates. 

So the issue would likely be in one of those that brought in some "ghosts" to leave behind:

That is, either old billboards, older characters, or an older iClone 7 version opened up the new one. 

ALL of our work has been in iClone 7, nothing before and nothing after. 

* All previous characters and billboards I deleted to start the new scene, of course. 

The new characters had to be doubled in size. 

And the last time I tried transferring one of the new characters to CC and back again - or even straight from the CC file into iClone, it stripped all of his skin color out, leaving a pasty white. 

So something is left behind in the old scene - whether it was something in the older characters or billboards, or something in that iClone version, that it does not work properly anymore. 

I have been noticing invisible technical issues for a while now. 

Another example would be animations going where there is no clip there anymore in that place of the timeline. 

This happens when there was a clip there, but I cut it up and moved it around, etc. 

(I once had a flock of sheep look like they were tripping out on acid or something!  This was from animation ghosts left behind.) 

So how do I go about getting rid of ghosts left in the scenes or in the animations? 

* Regarding the animations, "removing object animation" is not an option when I work so hard on the rest of it. 

First and foremost, I need the scenes to work right.  How do I clear the "ghosts" in there? 

~ Kimmie 

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