First Faceware. I assume you have the Realtime for iClone app working? This is where you calibrate the face recognition.
When you have the LIVE Faceware plugin for iClone installed, you should see two options when you open Motion LIVE: Faceware Live and Facial Realtime.
For me, only the Faceware Realtime option works:
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I've found Faceware finnicky and I've since moved on to LIVE FACE.
There are several ways to connect the iPhone for LIVE FACE. The best way for me (and others) has been with a direct ethernet connection. In my case, the PC is connected to a router port and so is the iPhone. For it to work, I have to turn off wireless on the iPhone to prevent interference.
When you open the LIVE FACE app on the iPhone you should see an IP address. This IP address you need to enter into the Motion LIVE plugin, followed by :999 for the port number:
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One that is filled in and the LIVE FACE option is selected, the connection should be established.
Because I'm connecting PC and iPhone via my router, the first part of the IP address is the same for both (10.1.10) . So that is something for you to check. If you have a regular home LAN, it should start with 192.168.1 or something like that. But the first three blocks (octets) should be the same for both, otherwise they won't see each other.
Others have used wireless of USB connections, but following the advice of Master Mike Kelley, I've found the wired ethernet connection the most reliable.
I hope this helps.