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Facial Profile Editor issue with FBX export/import to Maya

Posted By SashaAlexandra 3 Years Ago
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Facial Profile Editor issue with FBX export/import to Maya

Posted 3 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
Posts: 1, Visits: 95
Hello, I have an issue with FBX export/import to/from Maya. When I exported FBX (Clothed Character/Mesh and expression sequence) then edit blend shapes in Maya and imported to Facial Profile Editor - slider distort character to zero size. Character has same size in Maya and CC4. When exporting to FBX from Maya I changed up axis to Y. I tried any possible variations of exporting fbx to/from Maya - nothing works. I used my own blendshapes and tried to edit fbx created by CC4 - absolutely nothing works. Please tell me what im doing wrong. There is a new tutorial from Reallusion on youtube about exporting fbx to blender and everything sems to work there - but with maya nothing works.

What worked for me:1. Export FBX with mesh and sequence. 2. Open Maya. Go to Windows/Setting/Preferences/Preferences/Settings And chose up axis to Z. Othervise your Base Mesh will be rotated X -90 and BlendShapes will be horisontal, facing floor. 3. Import your FBX to Maya4. Open BlendShape Editor (Window/Animation Editors/ Blend Shape editor5. Click "select" in Blend Shape window and open Graph Editor6. Select all Blend Shape keys and press F to see all of them in Graph Editor. 7.Increase timeline range to see all frames.8.Ignore frame number in text file with Expressions - there won`t be exact frame on timeline - it depends on frame rate in Preferences. You need that just to see the order of them. Navigate timeline, looking at Blend Shape window and move to the frame where desired expression will be on 1 instead of zero-something. 9. Open Outliner, pick hidden mesh with the same name as in Blend Shape editor. Make it visible and apply material if it doesn`t have any just for convenience. 10. Modify that as you wish using key3 for smoothing mesh for your comfort, but DO NOT FORGET to press 1 again to all of your modified meshes prior to exporting! Othervise - after applying this FBX to Facial Profile Editor -sliders will squash your character to zero.

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