Hey Guys,
I'm trying to export an optimized character for Unity. I'm using InstaLOD to export from CC3 to merge the materials
The problem is that the scalp and eyelashes become completely opaque, with no way of changing, since the materials are merged with others.
(Unity image below)

For comparison, here's the same character exported without InstaLOD merging materials:

My question is: is there any way to delete the scalp and the eyelashes from CC, before exporting? The eyelashes can barely be seen in Unity, and the character will never be that close. As to the scalp, it doesn't seem to make any difference in Unity either. If I could somehow remove the scalp and the eyelashes from the mesh, I would remove the problem.
Does anyone have any idea or workaround to solve this? I just want a good looking character in Unity, without all the separate materials.
Thanks in advance!