First, send your character to 3DXChange. Then add motions from IC7 to your character by importing to import from
Animation panel. Then Add All to Perform. At the top, click on Import to IC 7 with the animation added to your character.
Load character to IC7 then in IC7 put character in scene. Your character now has the animations applied to it. Highlight
character and hit perform. That is where your animations are. You can save the persona, by going to custom persona
and hit plus sign at the bottom. IC7 saves it as a Script file. Now you can use the custom persona on any character.
I thank God for helping me.
76% of original size (was 659x19) - Click to enlarge
76% of original size (was 659x19) - Click to enlarge
76% of original size (was 659x19) - Click to enlarge
76% of original size (was 659x19) - Click to enlarge
76% of original size (was 659x19) - Click to enlarge