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clothes and purchases.

Posted By woody173 3 Years Ago
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clothes and purchases.

Posted 3 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Weeks Ago
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I totally feel your pain. CC3 is OKAY when it comes to clothes, but not great. I actually hired a designer to do a custom costume for me. It isn't what I recommend, because it's not cost effective at all, but I spent so much money on stuff that I didn't need trying to create the right combination - but often failing. Another gripe I have - and I hope a vendor notices this - is it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a uniform that's accurate to any branch of the modern US Military. Daz3d also doesn't have anything close. I'm talking name patch, the US flag reversed, all of the ranks (up through 4 Star General), the different unit patches, the different combat and skill badges. I mean I would pay $200 for each branch. I know that sounds exorbitant but it would be nice to have. So, I do feel your pain. I agree with yepkoo below - if you have the time and the skill Marvelous Designer is the way to go. My designer uses it. If you LACK the time and skill (as I do) and you can't find the assets and import them from Daz3d, then you might want to connect with a vendor who does this for a living. I took that route because I had spent so much money without success that ended up being cheaper just to hire someone to make the costume for me.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 Weeks Ago
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It is easier to use Marvelous Designer to make dresses.However, if you need a dress, it is absolutely impossible to avoid the cost of it.
All you need to do is to increase your variety that you can combine by purchasing a bundle.
For example, this week, there are discounted clothes in the marketplace products, although it is not the style you want, and I recommend you to buy it.

If you want to make your own clothes, Marvelous Designer is very successful with its easy learning line.
However, I do not use it because it uses a subscription model.

I bought 3-4 packs of dresses and this one seems to meet all my needs. I only need old age, victorian, military and police clothes, and when I buy them, it seems that my need for clothes will disappear completely.

I wouldn't spend that much money on clothes in real life :)


Posted 3 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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Hi Im back to the same old questions that is probably boring you all by now.
I am really into my story at the moment. And to break it down simply, it set in a steampunk setting with lots of bad guys and good guys etc.
Now the problem Im having still is clothing for the characters.I obviously dont want them all to look the same.
I have made several purchases of different types of clothes with some slight adaptations, but Im still looking for a set of victorian style clothing that i can easily adapt with colours ect.
Being a hobbyist puts a lot of what I have found on the marketplace out of my price range. Several are perfect for my needs but are based on other packages that sometimes range in the hundreds of dollars.
I have even experimented with using marvelous designer, zbrush and blender. But not being highly proficient in any of these packages has limited my success dramatically.
I just wanted to know if anyone out there can either teach me how to get my end goal or sell me what I need at a reasonable price. I'm just looking for waistcoats, jacket, shirt, trousers and maybe a pair of trouser bracers.
I have obviously looked at many many youtube videos on how to succeed but they all seem to assume I know what Im doing in each package and most often or not falls short of actually teaching me anything i can use.
Please please can anyone help. After several months and lots of trial and error I feel I am at an impass without your expert guidance. I always seem to have to ask you guys for help and couldnt have got to where I am without you all.....so a really big thank you.


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